How to overcome your Fear and Anxiety Forever - You Are Your Dream by Taiwo Rotimi

1. How to overcome your Fear and Anxiety Forever - Living a life of Success and great Accomplishment by Taiwo Rotimi

 Fear and Anxiety are like thieves who only come to steal, destroy and kill  To overcome your fear, you need to do two things: Firstly, it's to mediate on God's word and secondly, it's to read some practical e-books on how to Do IT While Afraid - DIWA  until you get rid of your fear. One of such books is "How to overcome your Fear and Anxiety Forever - Living a life Self accomplishment for Life by Taiwo Rotimi  click the Link:               Price $3.99

Topics  includes: Face-to-Face with Fear and Anxiety, Get Motivated, Freedom from Fear of Spiritual attack, Fear of the Unknown, Fear of Flying,  Fear in Children, Overcoming depression and stress and living a life of Success.

Keywords: Self help, Motivation, Living, Fear, Anxiety, Creativity, Relationship

2. You Are Your Dream - Unlocking your Power to the Supernatural by Taiwo Rotimi

To be successful in life, the tendency is for you to be a dreamer, the bigger the dream, the bigger the success. Many great men and women of God in the Scriptures like Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, the Virgin Mary, Peter, and Paul etc.  were great dreamers. Our civilisation and scientific advancement was partly due to great dreamers who turned their dreams into realities. Benjamin Franklin dreamed of creating electricity, Thomas Edison dreamed of   the light bulb, Johannes Gutenberg of the Printing Press, and Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio.

          “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”  Napoleon Hill. There is no way we can talk about dreams without moving into the realm of the Supernatural.  You are your dream by Taiwo Rotimi is to encourage readers to believe in their dreams. The realm of the supernatural is as close by as closing your eyes and concentrating. To dream big and wide you need to get a copy of this kindle book from amazon "You are your dream by Taiwo Rotimi. Price is $3.99  Link:  Subjects covered in this book include: YOUR B-I-G DREAMS, Pорulаr 'Vision Tеасhing' iѕ Inсоmрlеtе, Thе Rеаlm оf Human  Pоѕѕibilitу, The Source of Much Small-Mindedness, Rеligiоѕitу, Too Muсh Credit tо the Devil - It's Gad's World. Achieving a Supernatural Abundance Mentality, Changing Your Thinking, Take Responsibility Fоr Your Lifе, Anointing - Unlocking its Treasure, Your Intuition - The Word of God is the Voice of God Speaking to You, Bridging the Physical and Spiritual Sphere